7 – days trekking – 6 nights in refuge

Our trek proposal crossing the most beautiful part of the Dolomites from Catinaccio to Marmolada glacier.

We considered a 5/6 hours walking per day and a maximum altitude gain of 1000 m. Every night we will sleep in very nice and typical huts where you will enjoy amazing sunsets and sunrises.


1st day:

We will reach together with the guide Costalunga pass by car, where we will start our trekking. Crossing the Rosengarten mountains we will stop for lunch at Roda de Vael refuge which is located in the beautiful Vael amphitheater. After lunch we will walk through a panoramic trail to reach Vajolet refuge where we will spend the night.


2nd day:

Starting from Vajolet refuge we will climb up the Gartl valley to to see the famous Vajolet towers at the foot of Catinaccio mountains. After a lunch break we will keep on walking to reach Passo Principe and if we have time Lake Antermoia. We will stay overnight at Passo Principe refuge in the heart of these beautiful mountains.


3rd day:

We will start our trekking from Passo Principe walking in direction of the Sciliar mountain passing through Alpe di Tires refuge and from here we will walk on a panoramic ridge to reach Sasso Piatto refuge for the overnight stay.


4th day:

Our day will start walking around Sassolungo mountain. Lunch is scheduled at Comici refuge. After lunch we will finish the circular tour around Sassolungo and will spend the night at Carlo Valentini refuge at Passo Sella.


5th day:

We will start easily by walking towards Pian de Schiavaneis at the foot of Sella Group. From here we will climb val Lasties close to a very nice river and small waterfalls with natural pools where we will eat our packed-lunch. The goal for this day is to reach rifugio Boè placed on the lunar Sella Plateau.


6th day:

Starting from Boè refuge we will climb up to the top of Sella 3152 m to Capanna Fassa refuge where you will enjoy one of the most beautiful views of the entire Dolomites. We will continue our trekking passing through forcella Pordoi, Pordoi pass and reaching the famous Viel del Pan and its refuge, where we will spend the night.


7th day:

From Viel del Pan refuge we will continue on the trail to get to Passo Fedaia at the foot of Marmolada. From here we can either decide to climb up to Pian dei Fiacconi where the glacier starts, or hike on the beautiful trail which leads to the “Marmitte”, the hidden sources of Marmolada. We will take the bus to get back to the valley.


Available dates:

-From June to the middle of July and September



The price depends on the number of participants.

Ex: with 5 people the price is about 1340€ per person.

The price includes: Mountain Guide for the whole trip, overnight stay at the refuge with half board service (breakfast and dinner).
Not included: lunches, beverages  and use of lifts.

There is also the possibility to add extra services such as: luggage transport from refuge to refuge, booking of the first or last night in a b&b in the valley, packed lunch.

This type of activity is organized for families, friends or groups of people who already know each other.


If our proposal is interesting for you we will keep on organizing and give you more details also about the equipment you will need to bring with you and any other information.


We sincerely hope to have the opportunity to guide you in the wonderful Dolomites!